Yrjö Hakanen
I am a member of the Communist Party of Finland. I was the chairman of the party 1994 – 2013.
I was elected to the Helsinki City Council in 2004-2017. I was often the only council member to propose changes to the policy of undermining public services while the city was making annual surpluses of several hundred million euros.
To work for peace, against war and against the NATO is of particular importance to me. I take part in the Finnish Peace Committee, Finnish Social Forums and local projects of participatory democracy . In addition, I am involved in the networks for municipal services and the association ”Vapaus valita toisin” (Freedom to choose otherwise).
I am also a member of the Council of the cooperative Tradeka.
As a representative of the CPF I take part in the cooperation at the level of the European Left as well in the international cooperation of Communist Parties. I am member of the board of the Spartacus Foundation, dedicated to solidarity work.
To work for peace, against war and against the NATO is of particular importance to me. I take part in the Finnish Peace Committee, Finnish Social Forums and local projects of participatory democracy . In addition, I am involved in the networks for municipal services and the association ”Vapaus valita toisin” (Freedom to choose otherwise).
I am also a member of the Council of the cooperative Tradeka.
As a representative of the CPF I take part in the cooperation at the level of the European Left as well in the international cooperation of Communist Parties. I am member of the board of the Spartacus Foundation, dedicated to solidarity work.
I have written books: ”For the benefit of markets or people?” (Markkinoiden vai ihmisen hyväksi, KAKS Polemia, 2013), ”Six Portraits of Kekkonen” (Kuusi kuvaa Kekkosesta, Lovekirjat, 1985), ”National Interest and Union” (Tutkijaliitto, 1982).
I am the editor and co-author of the books Local democracy of the power of the companies?” (Asukkaiden vai yhtiöiden valta?, TA-Tieto, 2017), ”The actuality of Marx’s Capital” (Marxin Pääoman ajankohtaisuus, TA-Tieto 2013), Elvi Sinervo’s Poems 1931-1956 (Elvi Sinervo Runot 1931-1956, TA-Tieto 2012), ”The current crises and Marx” (Nykyinen kriisi ja Marx, TA-Tieto 2009), ”Upstream” (Vastavirta, TA-Tieto, 2008), book on history of the CP of Finland (Kolme kirjainta – SKP:n yhdeksän vuosikymmentä, TA-Tieto, 2008), books on municipal issues ”Toisenlainen kuntakartta – demokraattiset hyvinvointikunnat” (TA-Tieto 2012) and ”Kuntapamfletti” (TA-Tieto, 2006), ”Against War and Neo-Liberalism” (Sotaa ja uusliberalismia vastaan, 2006), ”Imperialism and Socialism Today” Imperialismi ja sosialismi tänään, 2004), Songbook Agitprop (2002), ”Marxism in the 21st century” (Marxismi ja 2000-luku, 2001), ”Revisiting Working Hours” (Työaika uusiksi, 1998), ”No to the EU” (1994) and ”Democracy, Socialism and the Future” (Demokratia, sosialismi, tulevaisuus, 1993). I have also co-authorship in the following publications: ”The Eleventh Hour – New History of Finlandization” (Entäs kun tulee se yhdestoista. Suomettumisen uusi historia, editor WSOY, 2001), ”Kekkonen’s Era” (Kekkosen aikaan, editor Kirjayhtymä, 1985) and ”Science, Intelligentsia, Working Class” (Tiede, sivistyneistö, työväenluokka,1979).
I am married and I have two adult children.
In my professional life I have been a journalist and functionary.
I have a Masters’ Degree in political sciences from the University of Helsinki.
I was born in Helsinki in1952 and I live in the Pirkkolan-Maunulan area of Helsinki.
Phone: +358 50 341 2320
E-mail: Home page www.yrjohakanen.fi